Andy Duboc (b. 1988 in Paris, France) is a French digital artist and designer who uses code to express his creative vision.
He graduated in 2013 with a Master of Science from Université Lyon 2, France, and worked in the
video game industry for almost 10 years thereafter.
Shifting his focus to explore the possibilities of crafting digital imagery and motion using code, he aims to create visuals that are constantly evolving and dynamic.
Andy has collaborated with digital art and design studios such as FIELD.IO, Interbrand and onformative.
On June 21st, 2023 Fakewhale Cross presented GENERATIVE, an unprecedented curated release that brought together some of the most prolific generative artists including Andy Duboc, Antonio Werli, Bjørn Staal, Eliza SJ, Frederik Vanhoutte, Mark Webster, Melissa Wiederrecht, Qubibi, Stefano Contiero, and Yazid.